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Indore Development Authority
(IDA) has planned to construct a new road to connect 
Khade Ganpati Temple
 road in 
Kamla Nagar
 with Super Corridor in scheme 155. "We would start the work after GIS. Surveys have been conducted and if there will be a mutual consent among the people on giving land, the work would be completed on time," said 
Shankar Lalwani

Officials said that the width of the road will be 100 feet. However, the present available land with the authority is only 40 feet. A lot of people will be displaced from area to acquire land for the construction.
According to sources, the department will have to remove more than 40 constructions from the area. While the cost of construction of road would be around Rs 32 crore, the authority would have to pay a huge amount as compensation to the people, who will be displaced.

Sources also claimed that the authority had planned to construct the road three years ago. But, it could not start the work in want of budget to pay compensation. This year it has sufficient budget.It would be a tough task for the officials since they are already facing a lot of problems in construction of Chandan Nagar Ring road. The displaced people have alleged that they are not being paid adequate compensation. The IDA has claimed that displaced people will be given compensation according to the rules. People living in scheme 155 will be directly benefited by the development. Also, Super Corridor will get directly connected to area near Kila Maidan.


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